Wednesday, July 22, 2009

pocketwizard wizard

This is my very first time blogging. I am very excited to start this. It will be challenging for me to stay with it...but I am always up for a challenge. Here we go...

Tonight I took my new PocketWizards out of the box. If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about...well it's a thing I stick on my camera and another thing I stick on my flash and they talk to each other. Yes they talk to each other and I can trigger my flash and be free of cords. Yeah! Anyway, I am loving each new piece of photo equipment I get. I have a shoot at Margot Cafe in East Nashville tomorrow so I wanted to test it out tonight and make sure everything synced properly. Here are some shots I took of gregg and parker. They always make lovely models.


  1. Yea!!!!
    Welcome to the blogging world! I am SO glad you are here!!
    Cant wait to hear about the shoot from today....
    And these pictures of the hub and little babe.....way too cute!!

  2. Lovely models + extremely talented photographer = amazing shots.
    (As always!)
